We are currently considering launching various campaigns and are seeking the help of Save Caithness subscribers to generate ideas and where possible, get more involved. Some campaign thoughts -
attempting to address the need to get a review of Highland Council on-shore wind farm policy as it affects Caithness. We have little option other than to make as much noise as we can through elected officials and media sources to further our objectives and to engage as many people as possible in carrying this out.
the production of an information pack for Primary schools. This is likely to be controversial - but that is the point. Who do you want to be informing your children about turbines and energy policy - the Scottish Government ? The energy companies with their vast public relations resources? Or perhaps you'd rather play a part in doing it yourself through a local explanation of what is really going on?
How about a league table for elected politicians? Each time they vote or make public statements indicating support for Caithness concerns, they gain points. Perhaps bonus points for those willing to put Caithness before their career aspirations when they go against their party line? Similarly red cards/points deductions could be awarded to those who, given the opportunity to make statements in support of their constituents and Caithness, fail to do so! Separate leagues could be established for Energy Infrastructure, Wind Farms etc. Even better if we can collaborate with others and extend this to leagues relating to roads, health and other key areas. Combining results from all areas would give us the Save Caithness Super League! - a non-political guide to who to vote for if you want people who care about Caithness and not only about their careers!
We welcome campaign ideas and recognise that it is not easy to pick things that suit everyone. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any thoughts on this important aspect of our overall mission and would like to help.