Who we are

We are a group of concerned individuals, some of us also active in the various campaign groups in Caithness, working together to fight the relentless onslaught of energy related planning applications being submitted to Highland Council and the Energy Consents Unit.

We aim to embark on specific targeted campaigns that bring attention to the unreasonable situation that Caithness is faced with.  That is, by the use of pro-active campaigning  to address those fundamental issues that are eroding our quality of life and the quality of our environment.

We also provide general information on when and how to submit objections as well as guidance on what you might usefully include in your objection.   Whilst this is 'defensive campaigning', working to others' agenda, it is important.  Good progress was made on this aspect of our work which has now been devolved to  Highland Renewables Database.  They provide timely and relevant information to help those submitting planning objections.   Thus between us we hope to raise the number of objections being submitted and provide a more accurate representation of the feelings of many Caithness residents about what is happening to our county.

We also host a number of practical resources on this site including the list of planning applications currently 'under consideration' that is derived directly from the Planning System; a list of Councillor contact details and others.

If you are someone who feels they may be able to help with some of the work of our campaign, please do get in touch.  If you have read an application and have specific information to share please let us know or pass the information to Highland Renewables Database.  Also if you are a group who can advise on local concerns please let us know.  We currently incorporate:

Caithness Noticeboard

Communities Against Industrialisation

Dunbeath/Berriedale Say NO to Pylons Action group

No! to Swarclett Windfarm

Ouglassy-Spittal Windfarm Opposition Group

Watten Wind Farm Opposition Group

If you would like to get in touch with us you can reach us at the addresses below.  Read our most recent newsletter here